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Nigig Nibi Ki-win Gamik

Pikwakanagan, Renfrew County, ON, Canada

Nigig Nibi Kw-win Gamik Society

Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation has come together to create and assert Nigig Nibi Ki-win, which name came to the AOPFN Tanakìwin by way of our naming ceremony conducted in accordance with Inàkonigewin. For greater certainty, our inherent right to self-government, as affirmed by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and s. 35 of the Canadian Constitution Act, 1982, includes jurisdiction in relation to the wellbeing of Ninìdjànisinànig, Weshkinìgidjig, and their families.  Algonquins of Pikwakanagan have cared for our Ninìdjànisinànig and Weshkinìgidjig in accordance with our customs and traditions. Ninìdjànisinànig, Weshkinìgidjig, and their families thrived because they were immersed in their language, connected to the land, and cared for by their people. Inàkonigewin has governed these lands for millennia, well before any colonial laws were brought and imposed on our people and lands. By asserting this Law through Nigig Nibi-Ki-win, we are not bringing into force a new law, but using our knowledge of Inàkonigewin to provide aid to our people in a modern context, in a way that cares for them, our ancestors, and our descendants. The only way to undo the damage that has been inflicted on our people by colonial governments is to re-assert our inherent right to care for our Ninìdjànisinànig and Weshkinìgidjig.