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Muskeg Lake Cree Nation

The Muskeg Lake Cree Nation (“MLCN”) is a signatory to Treaty No. 6, 1876, in central Saskatchewan with approximately 2,432 citizens, 85% of whom reside off-reserve. MLCN is a leader in First Nation investment and economic development, having established the first urban reserve in Western Canada in Saskatoon’s Sutherland industrial district in 1988. MLCN owns and manages a total of 35,123 acres of land, both urban and rural, all of which are located in MLCN’s traditional territories. These lands are used for community living, agriculture, recreation, cultural, ceremonial, commercial and industrial purposes.

The government of MLCN is comprised of one Chief and six Councillors (collectively, “Council”). The government operates in accordance with the nehiyaw traditional laws, protocols and practices as modified and adapted over time and applied in a modern context. MLCN maintains, practices and protects nehiyaw culture, language and heritage, and MLCN’s citizens exercise the same both on and off-reserve.