The Friendship Centre movement is built on community support, trust, strong leadership, tradition and faith and is mandated to improve the quality of life for Aboriginal Peoples throughout Canada.
The concept of Friendship Centres originated in the 1950s with the increasing numbers of Aboriginal people moving into urban areas. The centres were created within urban settings as a way to address the needs of First Nations and Métis people at the local level, providing referrals and counselling with respect to employment, housing, education, health, and liaison with other community organizations. Saskatchewan currently has 11 Friendship Centres and a corporate office in Saskatoon. The AFCS administer the Organizational Capacity (OC) and the Programs and Services (PS) on behalf of the Saskatchewan Friendship Centres under the administration of the Aboriginal Friendship Centres of Saskatchewan, which is controlled by a board of directors consisting of two representatives and a youth from each centre and an elected executive committee.
Along with delivering of many programs the mission includes the providing of access to Elders and helping Aboriginal people through friendship, harmony, cultural integrity, cultural awareness, and sharing. In 2005, the Friendship Centres in Saskatchewan revitalized its organization to foster accountability, structure and unity among the 11 Friendship Centres in Saskatchewan.